Finally a good ATHF game!!!
Dude, this should be on adult-swim's website for ATHF, that was really good! If anyone loves ATHF as much as I do, I have great news!!!:
1: The ATHF Movie is going to release sumtime in Spring 2007!
2: The new season 5 will be out soon! Ive seen most of the new ones allready, like Dickesode, Handbanana, Global Grilling, Party All The TIme, Ezekiel, Bart Oates, etc etc etc!!!
Great game, and I love the main screen, I love that part of that episode!!! "Allright WTF does this say!" lol XD, I love the code and I didnt know how to do the start button so I guessed and it worked! 5/5! Check out my music!!